British International Investment

Setting high standards

Liz Lloyd
Chief Impact Officer

My name is Liz Lloyd. I am the Chief Impact Officer at British International Investment.

Before BII, I worked in both the public and private sector. So I worked for 10 years for a bank who operates in emerging markets, including group roles and as country CEO in Tanzania.

I also spent a large part of my earlier career working in government. I was one of the advisors to the then Prime Minister, Tony Blair, including on Africa and the environment.

How does BII differ from other organisations?

First of all, as an institution, it operates in a really interesting space between the sort of public and private sectors. And it also tackles some of the biggest, thorniest development challenges that we are experiencing today.

I think working for a DFI, you bring a lot of private-sector expertise and private-sector thought into the investments, but in a space where we are accountable for spending public money, where people have very rightly high expectations for transparency and accountability.

How would you describe the people you work with?

One thing about all my colleagues at BII is they are very mission-driven, but they’re also extremely skilled and have very high standards. And that obviously is a wonderful place to work. For me, all my colleagues are normally one step ahead of me. And, you know, I can learn a lot from them.

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