Professor Anthony Okon Nyong
Senior Director and African Regional Director, Global Center on Adaptation
Anthony Nyong is the Senior Director at the Global Center on Adaptation as well as the Africa Regional Director. He is on secondment from the African Development Bank where he is the Director of Climate Change and Green Growth.
He has about 30 years of experience in climate change, environmental and natural resources management, environmental and social safeguards, renewable energy and green growth that span academia, private sector and development finance.
Prof. Nyong has served on several Global Advisory and Scientific Boards including the Sustainable Stock Exchange Green Finance Advisory Group, the World Economic Advisory Panel on Circular Economy, Advisory Board of the World Economic Forum on Circular Economy, the Platform for Accelerating Circular Economy Leadership Group. Professor Nyong is a member of the Planning Committee of the Climate and Health Initiative of the National Academy of Medicine (USA).
Professor Nyong holds a Ph.D. in Geography from McMaster University, Canada, a D.Sc. (hc) from the University of Calabar in Nigeria. He is a Senior Executive Fellow of the Harvard Kennedy School of Government. Prof Nyong is a Fellow of the African Academy of Sciences. He is named among the top 20 of the 100 most Influential People in Climate Policy 2019 by Apolitical.