Webinar: What does a successful COP27 look like for Africa?

Recently we hosted a webinar, in association with The Africa Report, to analyse what success at COP27 would look like for Africa. As the climate summit was hosted in Egypt, it represented an opportunity to put Africa’s priorities at the centre of the debate.

In a series of panel discussions, the digital event examined the financing deals and latest thinking on mitigation and adaptation. Featuring high-ranking officials, continental business leaders, and development finance institutions it explored some of the key climate questions facing the continent including:

  • Where are the most promising areas of innovation that hold the potential to create breakthroughs in strengthening Africa’s climate resilience?
  • How can we harness new technologies, indigenous knowledge and more enlightened circular business practices to drive transformation?
  • What are the challenges in scaling up what’s working and how do we tackle them?
  • What Africa must demand from COP27, and how to finance Africa’s energy infrastructure?

The panel of experts included:

  • Mahmoud Mohieldin, UN Climate Change High-Level Champion
  • Linda Mabhena-Olagunju, CEO, DLO Energy Resources Group (Pty) Ltd
  • Olajobi Makinwa, Chief, Intergovernmental Relations and Africa at UN Global Compact
  • Christopher Chijiutomi, Managing Director and Head of Infrastructure Equity, Africa and Pakistan, BII
  • Lilian Macharia, Director – Division of Portfolio Management, Green Climate Fund
  • Nicholas Norbrook, Managing Editor, The Africa Report – Moderator