British International Investment

How we learn

Learning about our impact is really important to us

We strive to ensure that evaluations and research are at the heart of how we make decisions and drive impact. We commission and publish independent evaluations to better understand important themes in our work, guide our future investment strategies, and contribute to the wider understanding of the development finance community.

Our evaluation programme has two core components:

  1. Studies commissioned under the FCDO-BII Evaluation & Learning programme that look at how to create impact within sectors and through mobilising private sector capital. This programme is overseen by a steering group of FCDO and BII representatives as well as independent experts, headed by the FCDO Chief Economist.
  2. Studies we commission ourselves to help us and the companies we work with better understand and enhance their impact.

We will always share what we learn to ensure it benefits as many people as possible. Visit the Insight section of our website to view our latest evaluations, research, guidance and much more.


Our impact in numbers


committed to businesses


climate finance commitments


workers employed in our portfolio


terawatt hours of electricity generated and distributed by our investments

Key contacts

Kate Griffith

Director and Head of Evaluations

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