31 July 2024
Climate change is a unique global challenge in terms of scale, urgency, magnitude and complexity of action. It undermines the development and change we work to achieve through our mandate. Without decisive action, it will be particularly devastating for those living in Africa and South Asia.
Our goal is to play a meaningful role in tackling climate change, and supporting countries and communities in a successful and just transition to net zero and resilient economies.
We are a key partner to emerging economies that are most vulnerable to the climate emergency. Over the next five years, at least 30 per cent of our total new commitments will be in climate finance, making us one of the world’s largest such investors in Africa. Our portfolio of over 1,500 companies will reach net zero at a portfolio level by 2050 at the latest.
Our Climate Change Strategy articulates how we will ensure that our activities and portfolio are aligned with the Paris Agreement, to support clean, inclusive and resilient growth in our markets.
The strategy is also aligned to the pillars of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), the main international framework for integrating climate change opportunities and risks into the management systems of financial institutions and businesses.
Find out more about our strategy here.
Learn about our approach to assessing, reporting and tracking climate finance here.